Walt-Do rounding numbers
Sc-Identify the number identify the place value, come up with strategies and round up to the nearest place value
Round to the nearest:
3.Ten Thousand-4,900,000
6.Whole Number -4,897,543
7.Hundreds- 4,987,600
1.Thousand :4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,000 and 4,897,100 to get answer we need to round to the nearest thousand.To add on because 7 is greater is greater than 5 we round up.As a result the answer is 4,897,100
2.Tenths:4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,542.850 and 4,897,542.860 to get an answer we need to round to the nearest tenths.To add on because 5 is equal to 5 we round up.Therefore the answer is 4,897,542.860
3.Ten Thousand :4,897,542.854 is between 4,890,000 and 4,990,000 to get an answer we need to round to the nearest ten thousand .To add on because 9 is greater than we round up.As a result the answer is 4,990,000
4.Hundredths:4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,542.800 and 4,897,542.900 to get an answer to round to the nearest hundredths .To add on because 8 is greater than 5 we round.Therefore the answer is 4,897,542.900
5.Tens:4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,540 and 4,897,550 to get an answer we need to round to the nearest tens.To add on because 4 is less than 5 we round down.As a result the answer is 4,897,540
6.Whole Number:4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,542 and 4,897,543 to get answer we need to round to the nearest whole digit.To add on because 8 is greater than 5 we round forward.Therefore the answer is 4,897,543
7.Hundred 4,897,542.854 is between 4,897,500 and 4,897,600 to get an answer we round to the nearest hundred.To add on because 5 is equal to 5 we round up.As a result the answer is 4,987,600
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